If you have tighter hips, then you’ll get more benefit from using squats to work your glute muscles. If you have a caffeine free pre workout greater range of motion, then deadlifts will be better to help shape a bigger butt. If you have never performed a deadlift before, you’ll want to start with an unloaded barbell.

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  • The movements are very similar, with the main difference being the position of the weight.
  • Stand on a platform or plates to increase range of motion.
  • The deadlift is the most important exercise you can do for a total workout.
  • Have the trainer watch your form to confirm you are performing the exercise correctly.

They not only allow you to combine cardiovascular exercise with strength training, but also the can be used to work nearly every muscle in your body. Kettlebell exercises are particularly effective for working the gluteal muscles of the hips. While keeping a slight bend in both knees, slide your right leg back behind your body, hinge at the hips to bring your torso parallel to the floor, and lower the weight toward the floor. “When you’re pulling something from the ground, you have to create that tension in your core to be able to do it and also to protect your back,” Williams says.

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Any form issues are amplified with this longer range of motion. In this deadlift, you’re lifting a bar weighted with large tires instead of plates. This can mean a smaller range of motion, and it also means that the weight is further out, leading to greater bar bend. Both of these factors together render it a little bit easier than a normal deadlift of the same weight, but not much. The jefferson deadlift is a pretty awesome variant in which you deadlift with the bar between your legs. From there, you grip the bar with an alternating grip and raise the weight as best you can.

This is very evident when you do a lift above knee height. The rack pull enables you to put heavier weights on the barbell which will help you improve your form when it comes to performing the sumo deadlift and helps develop your lower back muscles. It is quite common for beginning lifters to have sub-par conventional deadlift form.

Benefits Of Kettlebell Sumo Squats

Sumo style is harder to lift from the floor, but once the weight moves, you can lockout faster. The feet placed broader and angled out activate explosiveness along with mobility. However, the primary focus should be on what benefits you with performing each specific deadlift type.


In this method, the force will be applied vertically and require your upper back to maintain good posture. Really take the time to concentrate on the movements and your muscles. The last group of muscles is the upper back in general. Finally, a group of muscle that doesn’t have 3 muscles. These muscles work together to extend the spine and maintain stability. It runs down the entire back from the spine all the way into the glutes.

Straight Bar Dips

The sumo deadlift high pull is an often overlooked movement in CrossFit programming. However, the movement pattern of the SDHP is invaluable for learning to transfer power from the hips and legs, through the upper body, and into the object being lifted with maximal efficiency. This skill is seen in many other sports applications such as rowing, throwing, and weightlifting. Additionally, with its large range of motion, significant contribution from most major muscle groups, and the potential for fast cycle time, the SDHP proves to be a very useful conditioning tool. Traditional deadlifts are like black coffee you do feel energized and your muscles get active.

Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift 1 Kb Video Exercise Guide

What I am most interested to see is after you have regained the neural/motor skill strength back, will you continue to see an increase in those BB lifts? If so, that indicates you truly did become stronger on this program. If you can keep your spine extended with that slight increase in range of motion, that’s great. If not, simply go back to the prior bar height for another session and try a slightly longer ROM again the next time you deadlift.